the Semi-Retired podcast

52 | We turned 50 into an 11

According to industry statistics, only 11% of podcasts make it to fifty episodes, and 90% never publish more than three episodes before drowning in a raging torrent of abject shame, humiliation, and self-abuse. (We may have made up the part about the torrent.)

Founded in August of 2022, the same month the FBI raided Donald Trump's Palm Beach bolthole looking for classified documents he ripped off from the White House on his way out the door, we are now proud members of the elite 11%. In this week's episode, we celebrate our historic Big Five-O by re-living some of Semi-Retired's more or less memorable moments.

As a bonus, Dave recounts his recent fall from social media grace at the non-corporeal hands of an Instagram AI "team member."

Warning: Some content verges on self-abuse. Listener discretion is semi-advised.

Music and image credits:
Episode graphic by Richard Bonomo and ChatGPT (or is it the other way around?)
Semi-Retired “flipz” theme by tubebackr from SoundCloud
Music promoted by
Perforated steel by YuriyC from VectorStock